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..:: Postal Address ::..

"Samadhi Medura", No 47,

Sri Rathanapala Mw,

 Matara, Sri Lanka


..:: Telephone / Fax ::..

+94 41 2230946
+94 77 7306922


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That media freedom should be upheld in order to receive information and preserve freedom of expression of every Sri Lankan.




In upholding the tradition of free education, free market economy, open and transparent governance, freedom with responsibility, accountability, absolute justice from judiciary and the rule of law.




That opportunities should be made available to everyone in order to maximize their potential, skills and abilities.




In preserving gender equality.




In eradicating social injustice and assisting to overcome poverty thereby providing the under-privileged with better living conditions.




In establishing better life styles for all and in everyone's entitlement to equally receive basic amenities like food, clothing, houses, education and medicine and opportunities for development.




In grassroots participation in all spheres of governance and to make the local community an active participant in rural development.




In supporting the private sector involvement to bring more opportunities for a better standard of living.




In creating and securing employment opportunities for the unemployed.




In citizen's right to own private businesses, a house, a land, a savings account or share in business or any other entitlements among Sri Lankan general public.




In guiding the Government by organized civil societies.


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